Principally, our honorary fees are as from 135€ per billable hour, exclusive VAT.
The fees are agreed upon in advance by mutual agreement, in function of the complexity of the case, the experience, the importance, the urgency and, if the case, on the result.
Moreover, the following administrative and office costs are invoiced (excl. VAT), unless otherwise agreed upon.
Except for in case of an explicit deviating agreement and/or announcement, the minimum tariffs amount to (incl. 21% VAT):
♦ Opening file
♦ Dactylography/started page
♦ Displacement/km
♦ Telecom/mail/fax
♦ Bank transfer
♦ Copy
♦ Judicial costs, costs for bailiff, costs of expert research, costs of translations, to be added at cost-price
General Conditions
Our invoices are payable cash and without discount at the office or on the indicated bank account. Failing to pay within 15 days from the date appearing on the invoice, interest of 8 percent for late payment is due from the invoice date as well as a complementary indemnity of 10% of the amount of the invoice, without prior notice. The charges for payment or/and currency exchange are born by the client. Any claim regarding an invoice must be addressed to EMPIRE LAW FIRM within 8 days from the date of the invoice. Failing to do so, the invoice is deemed to be irrevocably accepted.
The office carries absolutely no liability for procedure costs, bailiff' costs or other costs which were made for the clients. The law firm is in no case responsible for payment of these. The client pays these invoices on first request. When bailiff' invoices or other invoices are established on the name of the law firm or any associate, they have to be considered as mandatory of their clients.
The law firm keeps the right to adapt her general terms unilaterally.
The laws of Belgium are solely applicable.
Alle disputes whatsoever are by law settled exclusively by the Courts of the district where the office who has invoiced, is established.
Info law on services
Exercise of the profession
One is acting in name of and under the tutelage of EMPIRE LAW FIRM if this is explicitly mentioned and the correspondence and procedural documents are signed by at least 2 partners and if it is explicitly mentioned that this is on behalf of the law firm.
Except for the abovementioned, the partners of the law firm each exercise the profession separately in their own name and for their own account.
Mrs. Michel Van Dievoet, Victor Vandebeek, Willie Dierick, Werner Niemegeers, John Toury and Laura Mols each exercise the profession separately via a private company (BV).
An asssociation has been established with the law firm Toury (John Toury and Laura Mols).
The office can also be contacted as follows for any complaints:
EMPIRE LAW FIRM advocatenassociatie
KBO number 0544.648.070
Email ♦ info@empirelawfirm.be
Website ♦ www.empirelawfirm.be
BV Michel Van Dievoet
BV Victor Vandebeek
Mter Jurgen Ghoos
BV Willie Dierick
Mter Jonathan Taelman
BV Werner Niemegeers Advocaat
BV Toury Advocaten (John Toury & Laura Mols)
Mter Johan GUNS
Mter Sarah Van Praet
Comm. V. Bert Schoofs Advocaat
Erland Pison
Diane Gneo
Professional insurance
The exercise of the profession is insured through the collective insurance ‘civil legal professional insurance’ concluded by the 'Orde van Vlaamse Balies' with AMLIN EUROPE NV via Vanbreda Risk & Benefits, with contract number LXX034899 for the amount of €1.250.000 per insurance claim.
Professional rules
As a lawyer registered at the Dutch Brussels Bar, every partner is subject to the regulations of the 'Orde van Vlaamse Balies' en of the National Bar Association, which can be consulted at www.advocaat.be and the regulations of the Dutch Brussels Bar at www.baliebrussel.be or Ghent.