°1959, Ghent
Member of the Bar of Ghent, since 1988
Founding partner of the law firm EMPIRE LAW FIRM
University: master in law, University of Ghent (RUG), 1988
Special Degrees
Law & Economics, Institute of Human Studies (IHS), University George Mason, Fairfax (USA), 1988
Economic Analysis of Law, CATO-Institute, Washington D.C. (USA), 1988
Master in Tax Law, 1992, Supreme School of Tax Law (F.H.S.), Brussels
Speaker at several conferences organised by the BBB, BIBF, Cash, IAB, I-prof, M & D Seminars, Roularta Seminars, SD Worx, etc.
Co-writer of the Taks Almanach, editions 1994 -2001
Author of several newsletters for CED-SAMSON and KLUWER (since 1992) & collaboration on several reviews in Tax Law by FISKOFOON
Author of several publications in Taks Law e.g. in General Tax Review (AFT), Review of Tax Law (TFR), Tax New, etc.
Since 2000 till 2005 tax columnist for the journal "Trends"
Since 2007 till 2017 2-weekly talkshow on Aktua-tv concerning tax topics.
Taw Law
Direct and Indirect Tax Law (Inheritance Law, Registration Tax Law)
Private Tax Law and Company Tax Law
Corporate Law, litigations between stakeholders and between members of the Board of Administration
Deputy Judge of the Court of Appeal of Ghent (nomination by Royal Decree of 28 march 2011 (O.J., 7 April 2011)
Deputy member of the Examination Commission of the IPFC
Dutch, French, English, German
Werner Niemegeers

M +32 475 792 705
F +32 (0)54 41 69 91
Dendermondsesteenweg 359A, 9070 Destelbergen